A site is made up of a collection of pages with links to navigate between them. Sets are used to organize pages. To view, edit, and make new pages and Sets, open the Pages menu at the top-right.
To make a new page, click the “+” icon and choose New Page
Type the name of the page and press return or click outside
To rename a page, double-click the page title
To reorder, click & drag a page or Set
A black dot to the left of the page indicates it is currently being edited
Right-click a page for additional options
New Page
When a new page is added, it exists in the site’s “draft,” and is not publicly accessible until the site is published. Once the site is published, the page becomes publicly accessible under its direct url, which is determined by its title (example.cargo.site/page-title). The page is not visible on a site until it is added to a navigation menu, or displayed in a thumbnail index.
The Home Page
When someone visits your site, the first thing they see is the page that you’ve set as your “home page.” To set a home page, right-click a page and choose “Set as Homepage”. Here you can indicate wether you want to set it for desktop or mobile, or both — you can use one page to cover both, or use individual pages: one that shows for desktop only, and one that shows for mobile only. Learn more about mobile settings here.
Sets are used to organize pages. You may want to simply visually arrange your pages into Sets so that they are easier to see and manage, and on a structural level, Sets can be used to create site sections. For example, you can pin a title page or navigation menu inside a Set, which will show only on the pages that are within that Set (this also works for Sets within Sets). Another use of Sets is when displaying a thumbnail index, which can be configured to show thumbnails of pages of a specific Set. Another use is to link to a “stacked” Set (right-click a Set and choose Stack Pages) which will display the pages in that Set as a scrolling feed.
Instead of using a single page as the home page, you can also use a Set as the homepage. This will automatically “stack” the Set: all pages in the Set (unless Pinned) are displayed as a scrolling feed. And just like with pages, you can do this this just for desktop or just for mobile, or both. One use of this is where a regular page is used for the homepage for desktop, and a scrolling Set of pages is used for mobile.
Duplicate a Page
When you duplicate a page (right-click a page in the page list and choose Duplicate, or hold option while dragging) a copy of this page is made that includes everything that is part of the original page: text, images, galleries, Backdrop, custom code, and all local settings like width, background color, padding, border, etc.
Pinning a Page
A page can be “pinned,” which makes it visible on every other page of the site, or on every other page within a Set. Right-click a page in the page list and choose Pin. This is used to create a navigation menu, a footer, a fixed logo, etc. Learn more about Pinning here.
Stack Pages
When pages are “stacked,” they’re displayed as a continuous scroll. You can stack individual Sets of pages, or an entire site. To stack a Set, right-click the Set’s name and choose Stack Pages. To stack the site, click the “+” icon at the top of the Pages menu, and choose Stack Pages.
Page Tags
Adding tags to a page allows it to be indexed and displayed when included in a Thumbnail Index, or when linking to a tag from the Link menu. To add tags to a page, right-click the page title and go to Settings. Learn more about Tags here.
Hide a Page
Pages on a site are publicly accessible by default, via their direct url (example.cargo.site/page-title) or when added to a navigation menu, or to a Thumbnail Index. Pages are also subject to being indexed by search engines, so that page content can show up in search results. To prevent a page from being publicly accessible in any way, including search engines, add a password (more on passwords below).
Page Thumbnail
The page thumbnail is used when a page is included in a Thumbnail Index, as well as for the “preview image” which is used when a page is posted on social media and platforms like Slack, Apple Messages, etc. This link preview is sometimes referred to as “unfurling.” If no thumbnail is added, the link preview uses the Site Preview Image (in Publish Settings), which in turn defaults to the site screenshot, unless a custom image is added. To add a page thumbnail, right-click the page in the Pages menu and go to Settings.
Set a Password
Pages can be password-protected: right-click a page in the Pages menu and go to Settings. When the direct link to a page is visited, it will display a password field. Password-protected pages are also excluded from being indexed by search engines, so in order to prevent content on specific pages from showing up in Google and other search engines, add a password. Currently the password styles cannot be customized.
Copy Page
To copy a page for use in another site, right-click the page in the Pages menu and choose “Copy Page”. This can then be pasted into another site by pressing ⌘V. The pasted page includes everything that is part of the original page: text, images, galleries, Backdrop, custom Text Styles, custom code, and all local settings like width, background color, padding, border, etc. Note that unpublished changes are not copied.